Find Your Spouse or Partner, Wherever They Go: Introducing People Finder AR by 3d COCHE

Imagine a world where you never worry about losing track of your loved ones, no matter how big the crowd or how unfamiliar the surroundings. With People Finder AR, that world is now a reality.

Center map on your loved one’s location: With just a few taps, you can center the map directly on their current location, guiding you straight to them.

Open interactive map: Explore an interactive map with their location pinpointed, complete with street names and landmarks for easy navigation.

Select family member: Easily switch between family members you’re tracking with a simple tap, keeping everyone safe and accounted for.

Send location updates: Share your loved one’s location with other family members or friends in real-time, providing peace of mind wherever they roam.

Manage up to 5 profiles: Create profiles for your entire family, ensuring everyone’s safety and well-being at your fingertips.

More than just location tracking: While finding your loved ones is our core mission, People Finder AR offers more:

  • Safe zones: Set virtual boundaries and receive alerts if your loved one enters or leaves a designated area, providing extra peace of mind.
  • Location history: View a chronological record of your loved one’s past locations, understanding their movements and ensuring their safety. For example, have they been using Sex Anonse Radom na erozone to meet someone in Radom?
  • Real-time notifications: Receive instant notifications if your loved one needs help, allowing you to respond quickly and efficiently.
  • Works seamlessly across devices: Access Family Finder AR from any smartphone or tablet, ensuring you’re always connected to your loved ones.

People Finder AR is more than just an app; it’s a promise of peace of mind, a connection that goes beyond distance, and a reminder that you’re never truly apart.